Bri Blahg… My Bloody Hand, Billy Don’t Get That Vaccine, and RIP Chuck Biscuits. Music News Round Up 10/29/09

29 10 2009

by Brian Phillips (@BrianBlahg)

U2 Free Show Marks Berlin Wall Fall

20 years already eh. There’s a whole generation of self centered, poorly educated children that have no clue what this is all about. Put down your cell phone and get yourself up to speed.

Rock Band Who Coming?

I predict many broken video game “guitars” and bloody hands as dorks like me attempt to imitate our hero Pete Townshend.

Bonus Coverage. Damn I love The Who:

Nirvana Reading DVD/CD/LP Draws Near

November 3rd I become lighter in the wallet.

Bonus Coverage. “Blew.” Reading. 1992:

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Bri Blahg… Pissed Jeans “King Of Jeans.” The Art Of Falling Apart

8 09 2009

by Brian Phillips (@BrianBlahg)


Pissed Jeans "King Of Jeans"

 I used to get this feeling listening to The Butthole Surfers. The thrill of hearing a band with a whole bunch of shady ideas trying like hell to kill them with a shovel and shove them in a burlap sack. If they managed to keep them somewhat contained, they’d have a song like “Who Was In My Room Last Night.” Sometimes though the sack would bounce off the back of the pick up truck, burst open on the berm, and you’d have “The Shah Sleeps In Lee Harvey’s Grave” or the entire “Hairway To Steven” album.

Where the Surfers would laugh as they attempted to shove a wet dirty finger in your ear, their contemporaries The Jesus Lizard (and before that front man David Yow along with David Wm. Sims were in the great Scratch Acid) put a mud caked boot there instead. Relentless and manic, The Jesus Lizard were always everything you wanted to say and how you wished you could say it. Both bands signed to Capitol in the 90’s too, and the Surfers even managed to have somewhat of a hit album in “Electric Larryland.” Both bands are also back together in 2009, and are said to be attracting bigger crowds than they ever did then. It remains to be seen if Pennsylvania’s Pissed Jeans are able to do the same.

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